ADQG is proud to support local organizations in need

The Airdrie and District Quilt Guild has been donating quilts to local charities since 2007!
If you know of a local organization who would benefit from quilts, please fill out our webform and we will contact you.

ADQG Donation in 2023

  •  1st Airdrie-401 pillowcases and table runners.

  • Community Links-40 quilts

  • Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society: ADVAS-24 quilts

  • Airdrie Pregnancy Care-41 quilts including 2 sided flannel blankets

  • P.O.W.E.R.-5 quilts

  • Rockyview Manor-19 smaller quilts

 What a great job! Koodos and GREATJOB to all that made this happen. The heartfelt thank you’s from all the charities would bring tears to your eyes and exploding hearts. what an absolutely great year! Thank you.

Organizations supported by ADQG:

Airdrie Pregnancy Care-41 quilts

Airdrie 1st Club-401 pillowcases and table runners

Airdrie Pregnancy Care- 2 sided flannel blankets

Victims Assistance RCMP today-21 quilts of various sizes.

Victim’s Assistance-24 quilts

Quilts Given to Tornado Victims of 2023

12 baby and children's quilts were donated to the Airdrie Pregnancy Care Centre - September 2023

Walker Totes donated to the Riverview Long Term Care Centre - October 2023

ADQG has donated quilts to